Optituning have remapped tractors since the beginning. Remapping the tractor gives you more torque and more power as well as less fuel consumption. If you live in a country where you use the tractor as a snow plow or harvesting, a remap makes sure your vehicle is up for the fight.

Since tractors normally have huge engines, they can produce a lot of torque where it’s necessary. Since the manufacturers limit the tractors with software, it’s possible for us to “release the power”. Normally the same engines are found in different models, just with less power. With this the engines with less power but same stroke can be remapped a lot, and the engines with more power and same stroke could get a good gain in power.

Vi foretar alltid økning etter behov, men normalt sett ser vi at de fleste som ønsker en optimalisering hos oss havner på omlag 20-25% på de fleste modeller. Her har vi mulighet til å skreddersy løsninger basert på traktortype og behov.

Har man som nevnt en versjon med lite effekt, kan potensiell økning være på 50% eller mer, samtidig som det er godt innenfor rammer og begrensninger til motor og drivverk.

We always remap and adjust the tractor or machine after what you need. Normally we see that we end up with around 20-25% gain in power on most vehicles, but we have of course the possibility to gain more. Tractors with less power but the same stroke could have the possibility to get gain in power up to 50%, still within specs of the tractor.

We have remapped tractors for years, developing in our portable dyno for tractors.

Almost every tractor we’ve tuned, we have tuned from the ground up using our portable dynometer. We’ve spent hours with tractors and dyno to get most out of the tractors.

In Norway, agriculture is a huge part of us. As the same with cars, we monitor what the tractor is doing before and after a remap. We get more control over the vehicle and can deliver numbers from actually dynoing vehicles instead of theoretical numbers.

The dyno is placed in Norway and is used on 2-300 tractors each year, giving us good documentation around the different makes and models. Often we see that the tractors deliver less power than it’s supposed to from factory.

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